My son is the best son on earth..He helps around the house, he plays with is sisters, he is always inventing ways to finish a project or job faster (even if he would have just done it, he would have finished it hours earlier..lol) He is all hands on with everything he does, he is very smart for a 7 yr old and I love to see him changing and growing..And yes we do have our yelling matches and our arguments and disobeying moments just like all kids but with all that aside I would have to say I have a fantastic son.. I couldn't have asked for better. I love the age he is at right now because he is so much fun to talk too and have conversations with. He has such a wonderful imagination... So Qwade I wanted to let you know that I love you forever and for always...
Yes --I agree --- he is the most hands on little boy I know and he is indeed a big helper.