Where to start..hummm..Well the first thing that comes to my mind is Joesph Smith. Because of his faith and love he had of our Father in Heaven and in our Savior he became their instrument in bring the gospel into the homes and hearts of all those who believed. So that myself and my generations can enjoy the blessings the gospel brings and it's teachings. I am truly blessed that I have the gospel in my life it is my anchor through every aspect of my everyday life. I know that without the teachings and the commandments in my life to follow I would surely be lost. I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Christ, I love to read it for it's taught me so much I can't even begin to describe all that I've learned. I am so grateful to a husband who choose to stay strong in the gospel as he grew up and because of this is the patriarch in our home. He is a wonderful example to us.. I love the temples and what they mean and for the ordnance's that are preformed there that allows me and all those that are faithful to have an eternal family and so much more. I'm grateful for the sacrament that allows me to renew my covenants every week.. Most of all I love my Savior for all he has done for me, for the sacrifice that I can't even begin to comprehend and for the love he has for me. My desire is to report back to my Father in Heaven and my Savior and that I will be found worthy to stay in their presence forevermore. I love the Gospel....
This is a very sweet post-- as your mommy so happy to know of your love for the holy scriptures ---