I love my grandpa's. Even though my grandpa Gough has pass away I still think of him....One of the things I remember the best about my grandpa Gough is that he use to love to take us out to eat in fact I remember one time when Chad and I were first married and he took us to a Mexican restaurant there in Kanab and we were talking I don't remember what lead to him saying this but I've never forgotten it He said "you two don't need to worry about the world right now just say busy living on the vapors of Love" It made us laugh then and it still does with love in our hearts. My grandpa Anderson is still with us and I do love him, I don't know him very well but I do know how he is when ever I go see him it's like a little kid in a candy store trying really hard not to burst with excitement. His big blue eye light up with so much love you can't help but join in on the excitement. My grandpa Anderson has and still is a very hard worker and that example has taught me to work hard as well...I love my grandpa's....
Grandpa's are lots of fun.