He made a moment...

He made a moment...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lots and lots of Pillows........

I totally and completely L.O.V.E pillows especially Feather pillows.. If I could I would sleep with hundreds of pillows...Chad has often laughed at me because of how I love my pillows, I don't often get upset when I loose things but if I can't find my favorite pillow (my feather pillow) then it becomes a mad house when I'm in search of it...I have to sleep with at least my feather pillow under my arm (when I'm sleeping on my side) in order to get a good night sleep but I perfer to have all 5 of my pillows..I don't know why I love pillows so much but I always have even as a child. So here's too feather pillows, I love you....

1 comment:

  1. Now that's cute-- Your Dad has to have the right pillow or he does not sleep well --- hey what about that long and not so wide pillow -- I wonder if you still use that one too? ;D
