Yesterday was Chad's birthday he is now 34yrs old wow it's been almost 10 years since we met.. Life has been quite interesting that is for sure... Anyway yesterday was a very trying day for him at 12:00 am exactly chad was driving on his way to CA for work to drop off a gun trailer when at 65 miles per hour his front wheel and axle passed him on the freeway!!! Luckily no one was hurt however it had to be very scary to have that happen he says he felt Heavenly Fathers angels watching over him and keeping him safe. He kept his cool and was able to pull over and take care of the matter. I didn't sleep well that night I kept feeling anxious I figured this must of been why I was so restless... Anyway I am so glad that he was safe and no one got hurt... This is just how Chad is every time we have a major thing happen to us I'll freak and he'll just stay calm and collected and get the job done.. This is something I have always admired about my husband he is always able to stay calm when it comes to danger or life and death situations... Me on the other hand panic and start thinking of the worst case scenario... Life so far has been full of these kinds of things for us but we are always kept safe and secure through it all... We are truly watched over and blessed... I have noticed in the time we have been together we have always, in every situation, been able to balance each other out when I'm down he's up and vies verse... We usually choose to laugh when things go wrong because if we don't we'll cry and we all know where crying leads.. (red eyes, stuffy nose and a head-ache. Who ever wants that) In fact the other day I took my sister in law Shelly out for dinner and she said that one of the things she has noticed about us over the years is that we are always there for each other and we are always able to lift the other up... That made me feel good. There have been and still are many people out there that thought we were completely crazy to get married as quickly as we did and that we would never make it..(from the time we met until we got married was 4 months) Both of our parents were some of them..they didn't think we were being wise and that we didn't even know each other.. But the fact of the matter is that we both knew we were meant for each other and that we are completely compatible for each other. I am so glad I listened to the spirit and not to the nay sayers back then or I would have missed out on a wonderful life filled with adventure, change and love. Chad is my Knight and shining armor the one I always dreamed of, the one who would come and sweep me off my feet... I love him with all of my heart... Happy Birthday Babe.....
Yes, yes I am that parent who thought you were completely crazy to get married as quickly and I stand by that and own to it -- and also put me down as to say "SO THRILL YOU ARE HAPPY"!
ReplyDeleteHappy B-day and may you have more happy moments