He made a moment...

He made a moment...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Become who you were Meant to Become!

I am about to share with you something that I learned a few years ago but have been leery of sharing it because I didn't really know how to put it so that you would understand but lately the desire to share it has grown with great strength therefore I can not keep it to myself any longer. You know, I am one who likes to sit back and observe people I like to watch their body language and listen to the way they talk. And more and more I hear women and men, people I know and love around me saying they are no good because they struggle with this or that or because they were raised a certain way.. Where do we get this belief that we are worthless that because we aren't as good as we think we should be that we are not worth anyone's time or that we can't be really loved?
There was a time I use to believe this same way, but I'll tell you now, that is far from the truth. I have learned that I am wanted and worth more than gold or any precious thing on this earth. I truly know and believe that I am a very loved and adored daughter of my Father and mother in heaven. And they want me to succeed more then anything. Not only on a spiritual level but as well as a temporal level they want to bless me with all the desires of my heart that are in alignment with my higher self. Yes I make mistakes, heaven knows how many I make a day, and yes I feel down and discouraged sometimes I even act and say things that are inappropriate but it doesn't make them love me or want to bless me any less.. I have learned that if I believe on a subconscious level that I should be punished for something I did then my subconscious mind will create a situation that will allow me to learn the lesson I believe I should be learning. (what you believe on a subconscious level is your root belief it's what you really desire and want deep inside) And because my Father and Savior love me so much they will allow me to bring about those circumstances that I feel I deserve on a subconscious level. When I came to really understand this principle a part of me wanted to reject it, because if it were true then that means I would have to be accountable for my actions and not blame the circumstance or the person or people in it. I would have to accept that I brought upon myself my own problems because of the way I felt or thought I should have it. When I realized I had this much power and control over my own life and the things that happened in it. I could no longer stand idly by and say it was God who wants me to have this trail or this struggle, no it was me, myself , I somehow believed on a subconscious level that I should have this because there was something I needed to learn from it that I wasn't learning any other way. It was hard to grasp and swallow but the spirit spoke the truth. In the scriptures it says as a man think it, so is he.. I never really understood that until now. If we think negative we therefore believe it and bring negative things into our life's or if we dwell on something that we don't want we will bring more of that into our life however if we dwell on having lets say perfect health or enough money then we will attract that into our life that is why is is so important to control and be aware of our every thought and feeling... Thoughts and feeling have so much more power then most of us understand... They are the most powerful tools we have, we must take stewardship of them and use them for only positive and righteous things. We are held accountable for what we say or do as well as for what we think and believe. We are God's children, literally, that gives us the right to call upon the powers of heaven to direct our life's the way we ultimately desire so long as it's in alignment with our higher self's. We can call upon angles in the name or our savior Jesus Christ to orchestrate the details of our life's. We can become the people that we ultimately desire if we believe we can. Now it isn't always easy but oh how much easier it is when you have a whole host of angels waiting anxiously to assist you in every aspect of your life if you but ask... All we have to do is ask (knock), believe, and trust that it is happening right now. Jesus Christ said "I never said it would be easy I only said it would be worth it." But how many of us make it oh so much harder then it really has to be? Heavenly Father and our brother Jesus Christ WANTS us, with all their hearts, to succeed and they have given us access to all the Heavenly Power that we are entitled to just because we are children of our Heavenly Father and Mother if we but believe and ask. That is all we need to do..... It is my prayer that all of us come to understand and believe that we were meant to succeed in every aspect of our life's we just have to want it and believe it and it will come too pass.
Now understand something I am not perfect at this nor do I completely understand the vastness of this principle, in fact I still have a ways to go, but all that really matters is that I'm on the right tract. I have more help than I ever thought possible, until now, to get to the person I always knew I could be... I tell you these things because I feel that everyone should know this truth and come to understand and live it. There is a book that will help you understand these truths even more it's called "Remembering Wholeness" by Carol Tuttle. Remember one more thing, we are all held accountable for what we learn and if we do not use what we learn or refuse to use it because we may be afraid of change or have to face the reality of what we have done or do then it will affect you and your posterity in one shape or another. It may not affect you in this life but it will in the next. We are here to help one another and what better way to help our fellowmen then to help them reach their highest potential. To become the person we covenanted with our Father in Heaven we would become before we came to earth. We are all Gods in our own right it is about time we started being who were are meant to be..... May all your dreams and desires come true in every aspect of your life!!!!

Life is good, God is great, and we are learning......


  1. well said, yes some trails we are given, some trails are from our own choice, and just because our trails might not seem as bad as others, we still can learn from them by how they handle them and take a better look at ourselves and ask ourselves did I do all I could from that trail, did I learn, did I grow, could I have tried harder or I will try harder next time. It might not be so much on how we judge ourselves that we think we are not good enough, we just have the choice to learn how well others handle theres and learn from them that helps us to be better, sure we shouldn't judge each other or compare but we do learn from each other and how well we handle things, we are here to be judge how well we handle our trails and when you look around and see others handling theirs with so much grace and faith it helps you to know you can handle yours even better, to be a little stronger and stop complaining!

  2. wonderful thoughtful words indeed -- nice reminder - sweet daughter of God!
