Spring is my favorite time of year it's fresh and clean especially after a rain storm. I love to watch plants, animals, and all around just come alive with the warmth of the sun. One of the biggest reasons I love spring is because it's my perfect temperature it's not too cold and it's not too hot it's perfect if I could find a place that was like spring all year round I'd be the first to move. Not only does the world come alive in Spring so do my children they want to be outside and play and turn their little imaginations on full bore. I love to watch them create new games, forts, and just plain play. Spring is a time of remembering what our Savior did for us, It's a time to reflect on our goals and desires, A time to grow and change just as the season. Spring is a reminder to open our hearts and share our talents, time and knowledge with those around us. Spring is to help us see the inner beauty of everything around us. Spring is Beautiful. And for those of you who don't know This is right behind my house in Laketown this area also has a pond that we go fishing at all the time. Beautiful isn't it..
Indeed Spring is new and filled with freshness --I love to see everything start to come alive -- love the photo too!