He made a moment...

He made a moment...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Month of March has been a month of many first for me....And this last week was no exception... I have for many months had a nagging feeling that I need to learn how to sew! However I've just kept putting that feeling off because sewing has always been very intimidating and frustrating for me... But I sucked it up and decided to take the plunge! Here are my finished products what do you think did I pass for my first time ever, sewing something other than burp rags......?

My wrap around skirt!

This dress and Atazia's dresses were the first ones I did this last week because they were the easiest and that way I could learn my sewing machine...

Here is the pattern I picked out to make for the girls for their Easter dresses... They both liked the dress but wanted it longer.... so with courage and a few phone calls for help to my mother in law this is the results....

So what do you think?.... Did I pass?


  1. You pass the test, you did a very good job! I'm doing some sewing right now too -

  2. impress and thrilled to know you are busy sewing. I am not surprised your very skill in so many area but my --look what you have finished in such a short time..
