Well I gave in to my own frustration with my daughter who would scream, cry, yell and fight me everyday just to comb her hair! So what did I do.... I took her to Dollar Cuts and had them chop it off... She pouted the entire time and wouldn't talk to me for like 15min (a record)! But then when she looked in the mirror and saw how cute it was she had a half smile but said she didn't like like (ah-ha sure she doesn't she's just mad I made her get her hair cut) Her hair was long to the middle of her back but it was always in knots and she always looked like a amazon woman! I'd had enough and I'm glad we did it because even though she still fights me to comb her hair it's a lot better and easier to take care of! Besides she looks way cute!
I have proof!! When ever I tell people that our dog smiles at us all the time they just laugh and say yeah right! Well I now have proof thanks to Qwade's picture taking... Isn't that the funniest thing...

But atlas it's not to be I woke up this morning to snow covering the new found dirt it was enough to make me want to cry... Will winter never end here? sigh......
she looks cute and boy you have been busy!