He made a moment...

He made a moment...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

First Derby!

Qwade's First Cub Scout Derby was a hit! He had so much fun sanding, shaping, painting, gluing, cutting, and putting this rocket together! He took great pains in making it as perfect as he could... I was quite proud of him.. The only thing that chad and I helped him with was the fins and fixing the propeller so it would spin right. (qwade has a problem with following directions... he thinks he already knows how everything works...lol)

Yesterday evening was the Derby at the church and this is Qwade giddy with excitement before we left.. He hopes he wins...

First we needed to twist the rubber bands they used a drill. After it was twisted he went for a trial run but it didn't go to far so we decided to twist the rubber bands by hand we did 150 turns.. Qwade did the first 80 until it got to hard for him to turn it anymore so I did the rest.

Ready get Set GO!

Qwades is the one in the back but even though it looks like he lost if you look closely his propeller is still going and it went all the way to the END! He was so happy he was jumping up and down pounding the air with his fist... Way to go Qwade high five Dude!

Qwade won 2nd place out of ten boys and when the bishop judged the rockets Qwade won most creative... (he was the only boy who did the rocket himself all the others you could so tell that their fathers or mothers painted it for them...lol)

Qwade also won wings and was on cloud 9 by the end of the night... I haven't seen him that happy in a long time... Way to go Qwade your Awesome...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hair Cut and LIFE!

Well I gave in to my own frustration with my daughter who would scream, cry, yell and fight me everyday just to comb her hair! So what did I do.... I took her to Dollar Cuts and had them chop it off... She pouted the entire time and wouldn't talk to me for like 15min (a record)! But then when she looked in the mirror and saw how cute it was she had a half smile but said she didn't like like (ah-ha sure she doesn't she's just mad I made her get her hair cut) Her hair was long to the middle of her back but it was always in knots and she always looked like a amazon woman! I'd had enough and I'm glad we did it because even though she still fights me to comb her hair it's a lot better and easier to take care of! Besides she looks way cute!

I have proof!! When ever I tell people that our dog smiles at us all the time they just laugh and say yeah right! Well I now have proof thanks to Qwade's picture taking... Isn't that the funniest thing...
I'm so SAD.... Yesterday I drove to SLC and it was so wonderful to see NO snow only dirt, little flower poking up here and there, birds everywhere, and baby animals all of this only means one thing right! SPRING is here.. I was feeling so good because when I left my house this is what we saw on the ground Rocks and dirt! The SNOW IS MELTING finally.....
But atlas it's not to be I woke up this morning to snow covering the new found dirt it was enough to make me want to cry... Will winter never end here? sigh......
I think I'm missing longer seasons that are warm not COLD!


Here are some of my FIRSTS that I did last week!
BEANS.... BEANS and MORE Beans....
I have snapped, broken, washed and jarred 57lbs of Green Beans (although I had 72lb to start with I had to throw away about 15lbs of beans because they went moldy) Chad bought me a pressure cooker and a ton of wide mouth jars!

This is the finished product 62 Quarts of Green Beans..... I'm happy!
Then I planted Onions, lettuce, tomatoes, corn, watermelon, and cantaloupe in these starter kits that I got from the IFA! I found out that the growing season is two weeks less than even Laketown is, and Laketown is two weeks less than SLC so that means I lose a whole month of the growing season that I'm use too. Sad.. So I'm trying to make up for it by planting some early (we'll see, I hope it works)

Guess what it's been a week later and I'm seeing GREEN! WOW they are poking through can't wait until I can plant them outside!! SMILE!
And then I am dehydrating Apples, Now I've dehydrated apples lots of times before but never have I had 76lbs of Apples to do! My poor dehydrater has been going nonstop now for a little over a week and I'm just barely half way through the first box! sigh...what have I got myself into!!!
I have felt great satisfaction in accomplishing all this projects... I feel domesticated... smile!
If you were wondering where I got all these Apples and Beans it's from Bountiful Baskets...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Chevy Tahoe!!

Well we finally have a 4X4 it's a 1996 Chevy Tahoe and only has 65,000 miles on it. This is the first time in 10 years we've had to buy a vehicle.... We're excited to have it! It even has a CD player (I know you may not think much of that but I haven't had a car with a CD player in it for 7 years) right now it fits our family perfect but we are going to look for a back bench so it'll fit 7 people instead of only 5. But it's really nice and the best part is we don't have a car payment! That's right we bought it with CASH! Yahoo!!!

My Favorite Part of the Whole Tahoe is that it has the double doors in the back instead of the door that lifts over you head.. SO nice not to have to worry about the door falling on the head..

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New clothes...

Atazia Wanted to show off her new outfits that she got for her Birthday!!!

This one is her Favorite!