"It's my birthday I can cry if I want too, cry if I want too, you'd cry too if it happened to you!"
Do you remember that song...Well that's about all I can remember from it... Although It was my 30th birthday It wasn't traumatic like it has been for so many friends and family that hit that age.. I've been excited to turn 30 for a long time and.... Now I am...And you know what I still feel like I'm 20 so no big deal...
My kids brought me Breakfast in BED my life almost ended right then because of the shock it brought.... lol no it was sweet and I was thankful...

I thought since now that I'm 30 I'd share 30 things about me....
1. Favorite color? - Forest green (always has been and I think it will forever be)
2. What do you like to do on a rainy day? - Watch the rain fall down while snuggled up in a warm blanket drinking something warm...
3. Where were you 10 years ago? - I was a newlywed had only been married for three in a half months...Where'd the time go?....
4. What have you learned the most in the last 10 yrs? - Hum...That ones tough! I've learned so much how do I pick one...... well maybe it's to let things go to relax and just let things happen and move forward no mater what...
5. What is the silliest quark you have? - Well I think that one depends on who you ask but I think it is that I make quiet squeaks and clicks with my tongue when I'm concentrating..
6. If you could do over what would you do? - Wow...hum...For myself I would have never gone on birth control when I got married then it wouldn't have taken me ten years to get my body back to normal again...but as a couple I'd say we would have never ever left the massage therapy industry because it's taken so long to get back into it again...
7.What is your favorite thing about you? - My favorite thing is that I love to learn and I think I'm like a sponge and soak up everything in my path...too bad I wasn't like that as a kid....
8. What is the worst thing about you? - That's easy.... my temper...I'll just leave it at that.
9. What do you miss the most from when you were a kid?- Nothing I hated being a kid...
10. What is the best thing that has ever happened to you? - My wonderful loving husband...
11. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?- When my husband got really sick and there for a while I thought I would loose him that is something I'd never want to relive again..
12. Are you an indoor or outdoor kind of person and why. - I'm an indoor person in the winter because I hate being cold and wet... But oh when it gets warm I'm outside almost everyday for most of the day I love the sun and the beauty...
13.What is your favorite food?- my favorite food is a salad but not just any old salad it has to have the works.. mushrooms,tomatoes,carrots,peppers,avocado,onions,broccoli,cauliflower,pickles,olives, peas, sprouts, crasins, and of course lettuce OH so good....
14.What would you say is your biggest strength? I would say that no matter what happens in life I somehow can dig deep and find that one last bit of courage to continue on..
15. If you could change one thing about your body what would it be?- If you had asked me that 5 years ago I could have given you a whole list but I can't think of anything now...I'm good with how I am...
16. What hobbies do you have?- Cross stitching, sewing, scrapbooking, and writing...
17. Do you have kids if you do how many and what have you learned from them? - Yes I have three and I think the thing I have learned and am continuing to learn is patients....
18. If you could pick anywhere in the world to live where would it be? - New Zealand for sure...
19. What do you want to accomplish in your life? - I want to be able to be educated enough to be able to help nurture peoples body's, minds and spirits. To help them become their highest self.
20. What do you want to fulfill before you die?- I want to have installed in my children strong enough values and faith in our Heavenly Father and Savior that they will have a solid foundation for them to sand on when life gets hard and bumpy. I want to go on a mission with my husband.. I want to travel the world.. Most of all I want to be found worthy to enter my fathers presence when the time comes... If I can fulfill most of this I will have lived a good life on earth...
21. What is your favorite activity to do? - Well it involves two people who are married and in love... OH boy now my face is all red...
22. How long do you think you will live?- I really hope and pray that when Its my time to go that it will also be chads because I don't want to be here or in heaven without him..
23. What kinds of books do you like?- I like fantasy, adventure, suspense, and mystery..Basically high impact books..
24. What kinds of movies do you like? - About the same as the above although when it comes to movies and depending on my mood I can go for sappy ones once in a while..
25. What is your favorite sport? - No question Kick boxing however I can't sand to watch it on TV I cringe to much...
26. What kind of outdoor activity do you like? - Camping, hunting, swimming, fishing, hiking etc "although I do LOVE to be able to take baths regularly"...
27. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened too you? - UMmm Hello its embarrassing why would I share it....lol
28.What would be your all time date if money was not a factor? - Smile...I could have fun with this...Lets see I would love to have a whole island rented out for a week with no one else there except for the chef and maids... And go fishing, swimming, sleep in as late as I want and wake up when I wanted, Have movie night, go snorkeling, exploring, give each other massages etc... That would be my fantasy..Oh and go on a air balloon ride.. Always always wanted to do that..
29. What would you do with never ending funds? - I would get what we needed done and then help as many families as we could to receive a better life and have their dreams come true...
30. How does being 30 years old change your life? - I wouldn't say it changes my life but it sure does give me a whole lot more credibility with others....smile...
Happy late birthday- sorry life has been crazy around here.
ReplyDeleteGlad you are happy and doing great. Stay sweet.
Happy Day