He made a moment...

He made a moment...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My New Life as a Blogger!!

I know, I know it's about time I joined the blogger world. Heaven knows how many times I've been asked to do this, but well, I've been a bit intimidated by it...Not only that but life is crazy! However I decided that time isn't going to slow down for me to decide that it's time to let my family and friends know what's going on in my life.. So here it goes hope you all will enjoy my crazy in and outs of my life, the silly things my kids say and do, and the times of growth and inspiration..

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elisha. Glad you have joined the bloging world. The purses you made are adorable. I hope to make some too. I put our blog into a book each year, so it is somewhat of a family journal.
