He made a moment...

He made a moment...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Deep Thoughts...

Today was the first time I've been able to go to church in almost two months because my work required me to work on Sundays...With me quiting and Kristosha now in nursery I really enjoyed myself..We talked about Why the creation,the fall and the atonement were so important and why we need to have them in our lives..One of the reasons I love my ward is because of the verity of people in different stages of life from the really old to the really young, we get so many people with different ideas and opinions... Anyway one of the sisters in Sunday school asked a question...
"If Satan knew the plan for salvation and about what needed to take place in order for us to return back to him, then why was Heavenly Father so angry with Satan for tempting eve to partake of the fruit?"... Think about that question.. It brings up a lot of what ifs doesn't it.. well it did in my ward.

As I thought about this question today a lot came to my mind about it. It may be right or wrong I don't know like I said this is just my thoughts I had about it. (Leave what you think if you'd like in the comments, I'd love to read what you have to say.)

I think that when God, Christ, Satan etc gathered together to discuss the plan of Salvation, the creation, fall, the atonement etc. I think that there was one plan with several different scenarios. but they all lead to one thing returning back to our father in heaven. Satan knew this but in is wicked mind he wanted to make a way for the plan to not happen, God in his infinite wisdom knew this too, for he knew Satan's heart, but like all parents we hope our children will make the right choices because remember we all have our free agency and so did Satan. God could not make him follow the plan however what God could do was make exceptions to the path or detours if you will. I think that is why God was angry with Satan, not really because Adam and eve partook of the fruit but because Satan didn't fallow the outlined plan. He went against Gods wishes and Satan knew that, but what he didn't and still doesn't know or understand is that God planed for this he made other paths available to us to choose from, so no matter the path we choose we can always find our way back to him "IF WE CHOOSE" that is the meat and potatoes of it, really. I would do the same for my children if there was something they wanted but had to accomplish other goals before getting that one they they desire I would give them every opportunity I could to make sure they could get what they desired. I believe our Father in Heaven has done the same for us. If this wasn't the case then how could we really have Free agency? Just food for thought...

Even Children think of this, maybe not in such a deep context but they do in fact my 4yr old came to me the other day after cleaning her room and very seriously she said "Mom, is Jesus controlling everyone?" I told her "no that we get to Choose what we do or don't do" She sat there for a moment thinking you could just see those wheels working.. Then she said "Mom, If we can choose is that why we need to choose the right and not wrong?" I looked at her and said with a smile "Yes sweetie that is exactly why. As long as we choose right Heavenly Father and Jesus will help us every day" She looked at me and smiled then said "Good, I'm glad everyone in my family isn't controlled by Jesus that we all choose the right" I smiled as she went off to play. As you see children even this young understand the importance of free agency. My Goal in life is to live my life worthy enough to fulfill my assignments here on earth so that I can report back to my Father in Heaven when the time comes, I pray that my children will continue to ask these questions and that I can give them the answers or give them the tools they need to find the answers they seek. I am grateful for free agency and to know that I can choose my own path. And I choose righteousness. I leave this with you all in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What to do with my Baby Girl....

What do you do with a child who will not keep clothes or a diaper on..I have to redress Kristosha at least three times a day..It use to be cute now it's just frustrating because she now thinks it's fun to be naked...Oh boy what to do...
Too bad they don't make clothes that is kid friendly but kid impossible to undo...
Kristosha had found out that she can use her onezie as a bag or purse..I caught her putting as many of her blocks in her shirt as she could it was too funny to see her she look like pill-boy the muffin man, lol. And my sweet boy decided that he wanted to be apart of the action..Him and his faces...:)

My New Life as a Blogger!!

I know, I know it's about time I joined the blogger world. Heaven knows how many times I've been asked to do this, but well, I've been a bit intimidated by it...Not only that but life is crazy! However I decided that time isn't going to slow down for me to decide that it's time to let my family and friends know what's going on in my life.. So here it goes hope you all will enjoy my crazy in and outs of my life, the silly things my kids say and do, and the times of growth and inspiration..